ellenic's avatar


kiriban at 8888
655 Watchers56 Deviations
Hello guys~
Here goes some small updates from me o v o /

First, I'm still doing my thesis right now.
I don't have any other thing to do so it's pretty boring = v =;
Just wondering if any of you are interested to commission me.
I mainly draw OCs but I also love to draw fanart actually (and chibis too <3).
If you do, I'll open a commission around this time o v o

Second, I'll be opening a booth at a local event called Comifuro,
and up until now I'm still uncertain about which fandom should I choose as the project :iconlazypoolplz:
Do you guys watch Mekakucity Actors/Kagepro? Which pairing do you like the most?
Also is there any other fandom that you like?

Third, how's life? :v
If it's rough, here's a big pat on your back~ Never give up on whatever you're doing right now!
If it's fine, cherish it and don't forget to share it to people around you :)

 ^ v ^/
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PN emblem utama by Syndicth

Good Day everyone! The long awaiting Ready Stock of Indonesian Tarot Deck of Pusaka-Nusantara has finally arrive! As the first ready stock, we have 30 stocks for the starter! Grab it fast before you miss this fabulous item's first edition! :icondeyedplz:

Indonesian Tarot Ready Stock by Syndicth[ready stock photo]

PN: Tarot Preview by Syndicth[art card preview]

Price: 30USD exclude shipping
payment method: paypal

Note me for your purchase by filling the form below:

dA username:

Afterward, I will reply your note with my paypal email address with the total price (including shipping) :) (Smile)

Have a good day and don't let the chance slip from your fingers!


Podjok Indonesia

Intinya sama dengan di atas, namun harga produk adalah Rp 175.000,- (harga belum termasuk ongkir)

Stock pre-order juga telah dikirim dengan faktur sbb: www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbi…;

Pembayaran dapat dilakukan dengan transfer rekening BCA, wesel atau pun Paypal! Cara pemesanan dengan note form di atas ke Syndicth

Stok pertama hanya 30! jangan sampai kelewatan edisi perdana kartu Indonesian Tarot Deck ini! :) (Smile)


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Hello everyone~!
How is it going with your life? It better be good :D
I'm on my 7th semester now, it's been a looooooong time since i updated my journal :')
Things are getting busier than ever, because i've started doing my thesis and internship.
Sorry for my first kiriban catcher, i also haven't colored your kiriban because i have so many things to do :iconpapcryplz:

Anyway, last friday was my 20th birthday. One more year until i'm legal to drink some beers //no
I want to thank every each of you for your awesome birthday greetings:

:iconkumaroll: even draw this for me ;;v;; you're being too kind
HBD ellenic! by kumaroll

I hope i could be a better person and be more active here :iconpapmingplz:
Soo-- i also randomly record another cover-- like a month ago-- it's the OP theme for bakemonogatari (renai circulation by kana hanazawa)

If any of you have a suggestion, like what song should i cover just leave a comment below :iconlazeshyplz:
For more covers you could see my soundcloud on soundcloud.com/ellenic

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:iconclover-latte: OC Matthew Millers: fav.me/d5k6dll



:iconkiaramix: Natsuki - fav.me/d5cli0t
"Sedang ingin membuang sampah ketika tiba-tiba sebuah kantong plastik hitam besar hampir jatuh ke muka saya. Untung reflek saya cukup cepat untuk menangkap kantong tersebut yang ternyata berisi sampah.
Kemudian saya melihat seorang perempuan mungil yang sedang histeris (entah kenapa?) tidak jauh dari tempat saya berdiri. Saya pun menghampiri dia sekaligus ingin membuang sampah ke tempat sampah di depan perempuan tersebut.
Sialnya, saya tanpa sengaja menginjak kecoak yang ternyata menjadi penyebab dari histerisnya perempuan itu. Dia berterima kasih saat saya masih kebingungan ingin membersihkan bekas kecoak tadi di sepatu saya.
Sejak itu pun ia sering meminta saya menemaninya ketika ingin membuang sampah. Ah ya, namanya Natsuki."

"Was going to throw out the trash when suddenly a big black plastic bag almost fell onto my face. Luckily I got a pretty god reflex to catch it which was actually a trash bag.
Then I saw this small girl who're frightened (i didn't know why?) not far from where I was standing. I came closer to her as I was also going to throw out the trash to the bin in front of her.
Unfortunately, I accidentally stepped on a cockroach which was the cause of her fear. She thanked me while I was still busy going to wash that cockcroach stain on my shoes.
Since then she often asked me to accompany her throwing out trash. Oh yeah, her name is Natsuki."

:iconkureha-alpha: Cielo - fav.me/d5avc7f
"Pria ini mengagetkan saya karena ia memborong banyak sekali buku di toko buku yang sedang saya kunjungi. Dia tidak sengaja menjatuhkan satu buah buku saat selesai membayar di kasir.
Saya pun segera memungutnya, namun ia menghilang entah kemana saat saya hendak memberikan buku tersebut. Esok harinya saya melihat ia sedang bekerja di salah satu cabang CLAC.
Saya segera menghampirinya dan bertanya apakah ia menyukai manga (untuk memastikan saya tidak salah orang). Dengan muka terkejut, ia berkata "Ya". Saya segera menyerahkan buku miliknya dan menjelaskan bahwa ia tidak sengaja menjatuhkannya.
Ia pun berterima kasih dan berlanjut membuka topik mengenai buku tersebut. Saya cukup kagum karena Cielo memiliki banyak info tentang anime dan manga.
Setelah setengah jam berbicara tanpa henti, ia pun mengakhiri cerita yang ia sampaikan. Saya menawarkan dia untuk memesan sesuatu dari menu karena saya yakin dia pasti merasa lelah.
Tiba-tiba ia menunjukkan ekspresi bahagia sambil berkata, "Kamu orang baik Matthew.." Saya tidak tahu harus membalas apa. Sejak itu kami jadi sering bertemu dan berbagi cerita seputar anime/manga."

"This guy caught my attention because he bought a great pile of books in the bookstore which I was visiting at the moment. He accidentally dropped one of them after he's done with the cashier.
I picked it up but he's already gone when I was going to give it to him. The next day I saw him working in one of CLAC's branch office. I walked to him and asked if he like manga or not (to make sure I'm not giving it to a wrong person)
He said "yes" with his startled face. Then I gave him the book and explained that he dropped it yesterday. He thanked me and started to talk about that book. I'm quiet amazed of Cielo's knowledge about anime and stuff.
After talking for half an hour, he ended his story. I offered him to buy something from the menu because I knew that he must be tired of speaking that long.
Suddenly he showed the happiest expression while saying, "You're a good guy Matthew.." I don't know what to say. Since then we often meet and share some infos about anime or manga."


:iconmintoreto: Deril - fav.me/d4pgctl
"Waktu itu saya sedang menolong pelanggan yang tidak sengaja menumpahkan kopi miliknya. Setelah saya menggantinya dengan secangkir kopi yang baru, ia berterima kasih dan saya pun kembali ke dapur.
Tiba-tiba pria ini (Deril) muncul entah darimana dan berkata ia khawatir dengan kemampuan sosial saya. Saya awalnya tidak mengerti maksud dari perkataan tersebut sampai akhirnya ia menjelaskan tentang pelanggan yang baru saya tolong.
Lalu ia menyatakan bahwa ia akan menjadi 'tutor' untuk meningkatkan kemampuan sosial saya, terutama terhadap wanita. Saya tidak bisa membalas perkataannya maka saya hanya mengangguk dan mendengarkan nasihat darinya."

"I was helping a customer when she accidentally spilled out her coffee off her cup. After I changed her coffee cup, she thanked me and I walked back to the kitchen.
Suddenly this guy Deril came out from nowhere, saying he's worried about my lack of social skills. I didn't even understand until he explained to me about the previous customer.
Then he self-proclaimed himself to be my tutor to improve my social skills, especially for women. I really can't reply his word so I just nodded and listened to his advice."

:iconhibihibiki: Hibiki - fav.me/d5cfxyu
"Saya menemukan dia sedang duduk meringkuk di pojok dapur. Saya ingin bertanya ada apa dengannya namun saya memutuskan untuk menawarkan oreo milik saya. Sayangnya hal itu tidak berhasil.
Lalu saya ingat bahwa saya mendapatkan brosur diskon untuk karaoke di dekat cafe. Saya menunjukkan brosur tersebut padanya and tiba-tiba ia menunjukkan ekspresi terhibur. Setelah itu kami pergi ke tempat karaoke bersama.
Selama perjalanan, ia menceritakan bahwa masakan yang ia buat sempat gosong dan hal itu yang membuat ia stres. Sesampainya di tempat karaoke, ia mulai menyanyi..dengan sangat bersemangat.
Saya hanya duduk dan memperhatikan dia, namun pada akhirnya ia memaksa saya ikut menyanyikan satu lagu penutup bersama dengannya. Hibiki pun sering mengajak saya untuk jalan-jalan di akhir minggu."

"I found him sulking in the kitchen's corner. I wanna asked what's wrong with him but I gave him my oreo instead. Sadly it didn't work. Then I remembered that I got this discount brochure for a karaoke near the cafe.
I showed it to him and he suddenly showed his cheered up face. Later we went to the karaoke together. On our way there he explained that he burnt his cooking and that's why he's depressed.
After we arrived, he started singing..vigorously. I only sit there and watched him, but in the end he forced me to sing one song together with him for the closing. Then Hibiki likes to ask me to hang out on the weekend."


:iconsalsamauduren: Arya - fav.me/d59navv
"Awalnya Arya menyapa saya saat saya mengunjungi stand merchandise di sebuah festival Jepan dekat cafe. Ternyata dia menyukai manga yang sedang saya baca beberapa bulan terakhir ini.
Kami pun bertukar kontak dan sering mengobrol via online. Ternyata dia juga bekerja di CLAC, namun di cabang yang berbeda. Sampai sekarang kami kadang bertemu untuk saling mengupdate info manga yang kami ikuti."

"At first he greeted me when I was visiting a merchandise booth on a Japanese Festival event near the cafe. I found out that he liked the same manga as I did.
Then we gave each other's contact and started chatting online. It turns out he also work in CLAC, but on a different branch. We sometimes hang out together to update some infos about manga."

:iconchoco-montblanc: Meiling fav.me/d4qcydx
"Cafe sudah tutup dan saya masih membersihkan perabot yang ada ketika saya mendengar seseorang bersenandung sebuah lagu yang terdengar akrab di telinga saya. Saya pun menghampiri dia dan bertanya apakah ia bisa menyanyikan ulang lagu tersebut.
Sepertinya ia bingung, oleh karena itu saya mengeluarkan headset saya dan memasangnya di telinganya. Saya memutarkan lagu tersebut dan dia mengerti maksud dari perkataan saya sebelumnya. Ia pun mulai bernyanyi. Suaranya sangat indah.
Setelah itu saya mengucapkan terima kasih dan memberikan oreo milik saya. Saya sering meminta Meiling menyanyikan lagu yang saya sukai sejak saat itu."

"The cafe were closed and I was still cleaning up when I heard someone humming a familiar song. I walked to her and asked if she could repeat the song she was humming a moment ago.
I think she's confused so I took out my headset and put it on her ear. I played the song and she understood what I meant. She started singing.
Her voice is beautiful. After that I thanked her and gave my oreo as a sign of it. I often asked Meiling to sing some songs that I like since then."

:icontyoflava: Aaron - fav.me/d5bm9ee
"Saya sedang iseng pergi ke toko musik. Ternyata musisi yang saya sukai baru mengeluarkan album baru. Saat mau mengambil cd tersebut, ada orang lain yang juga ingin mengambilnya sehingga kami tidak sengaja saling bersentuh tangan.
Dia mempersilahkan saya mengambil terlebih dahulu, saya pun melakukan hal yang sama. Akhirnya saya mengambil cd tersebut dan memberikannya pada pria itu. Dengan muka bingung, ia berterima kasih lalu bertanya kalau saya juga mendengarkan lagu dari musisi tersebut.
Saya mengangguk dan menyatakan kekaguman saya terhadap sang musisi. Dia berpendapat sama. Kami pun mengobrol dan saling mengetahui kalau ternyata kami sama-sama bekerja di CLAC, pada cabang yang berbeda.
Saya dan aaron pun bertukar nomor dan membuat janji untuk mengunjungi cafe masing-masing lain kali."

"I was visiting the music store when I found out that my favourite artist has just released his new album. When I was about to take the cd, someone want to do the same so we accidentally touched each other's hand.
He told me to take the cd first while I did the same. To end this, I took the cd first and gave it to him. He thanked me with his confused face then asked if I listened to the artist too.
I nodded and said my admiration to the artist and he thought the same. We later talked and found out that both of us are workers in CLAC, but on a different branch.
Then we exchanged our number and told to visit each other's cafe next time."

:icongibrayel: Adhya - fav.me/d5fmyar
"Hari itu saya digoda oleh sekelompok pelanggan wanita yang cukup berusia tante girang saat mereka memesan menu.
Tiba-tiba ada seorang pria dari layanan pengantar barang JNE yang butuh bantuan saya untuk mengangkut barang ke dapur untuk persiapan ulang tahun CLAC.
Saya pun segera membantunya membawa barang ke dapur. Sesampainya di dapur, ia mengajak saya memantau pelanggan tadi sampai akhirnya ada waiter lain yang melayani meja tersebut.
Saya sangat berterima kasih pada pria itu. Namun ia berkata bahwa bantuan tersebut tidak gratis dan ia minta ditraktir sebagai bayarannya.
Sejak saat itu ia yang bernama Adhya sering memberi nasihat pada saya untuk dapat menolak tawaran/hal buruk dari orang lain serta cara menghadapi pelanggan yang unik seperti yang lalu.
Sistem traktiran juga terus berjalan setiap kali kami pergi ke cafe lain."

"That day I was seduced by a group of female customers which I think they're already on their 30s when they were ordering the menu.
Suddenly this guy from delivery service asked for my help to carry some props to the kitchen for CLAC's birthday party.
Then I helped him carried those things. When we're in the kitchen, we spied on the customer until another waiter was serving them.
I can't thank that guy enough for helping me back there. But then he said that it came with a price and he asked me to treat him as the payment.
Since then, this guy named Adhya frequently gave me some advice to reject a bad offer from other people and how to face the 'unique' customer like before.
He still asked for my treat everytime we go to another cafe."


:iconfricoritto: Tere - fav.me/d5efnfg
"Kami bertemu saat saya melihat Tere menggambar di cafe. Saya tertarik pada gambar miliknya karena saya suka membuat konsep manga namun sayangnya saya tidak bisa menggambar.
Saya pun segera menghampiri dia. Namun saya bingung harus berkata apa. Saya sempat diam untuk berpikir dan akhirnya bertanya apakah dia menyukai manga.
Tere menjawab ya. Keadaan kembali hening karena saya tidak tahu harus merespon apa. Akhirnya ia membuka topik dan kami mulai mengobrol.
Sejak saat itu saya jadi sering menghampiri mejanya setiap kali dia datang ke cafe."

"We first met when I saw him drawing in the cafe. I'm interested on his drawing because I like to make manga concept but sadly I can't draw.
So I walked to his table but I didn't know what I should say to him.
I was quiet for a minute to think and then I asked if he like manga or not. He said yes. The situation became awkward because I didn't know how to respond.
Luckily he started talking and we could break the ice. Since then I often come to his table every time he visit the cafe."

:iconbischeglie: Vito - fav.me/d4ins9i
"Saya bertemu dengan Vito saat ia datang untuk memesan menu favoritnya di CLAC. Awalnya saya cukup kaget saat melihat gaya berpakaiannya yang unik.
Saat memesan, ia sempat berkata bahwa saya terlihat mirip dengan seorang wanita pekerja di CLAC. Ia juga berkata bahwa warna rambut saya unik dan dapat membuat saya populer di lingkugan saya.
Nyatanya tidak, saya menyatakan bahwa saya tidak memiliki teman dekat di sekitar saya. Ia tersentak kaget sampai hal tersebut menarik perhatian para pelanggan ke arah kami.
Kemudian ia menyatakan bahwa pilihan saya tepat untuk bekerja di CLAC. Saya menerima pernyataan tersebut dengan berkata bahwa orang-orang disini ramah, termasuk dirinya.
Ia pun tertawa dan berjanji akan mengenalkan saya dengan pelanggan-pelanggan lainnya. Setelah itu saya kembali ke dapur untuk memesan menu milik Vito.
Saya segera kembali dengan menu miliknya dan memberikan sebungkus oreo ekstra untuknya. Kami pun sering berbincang-bincang setiap kali ia datang ke cafe."

"I met Vito when he came to order his favorite menu on CLAC. At first I'm pretty surprised by his unique clothing style.
When ordering, he said that I resembled a girl, a worker in the cafe. He also said that my hair color is unique and it could make me become popular.
Well I told him the truth was I didn't have any close friends around me. He was really shocked that the costumers were looking at us due to his reaction.
Then he said it's a right choice to work here in CLAC. I accepted his words by saying that people in here were very nice including him.
He laughed and promised to introduce me to the other costumers. After that I got back to the kitchen and came back with his menu and an extra pack of oreo. We often chat every time he visits the cafe."

Silahkan yang mau relasi sama Matthew~ :iconlazeplz:
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OC Joel Fechner: ellenic.deviantart.com/art/CR-…


1. :iconaxelarts: Yama axelarts.deviantart.com/art/CR…
Setelah bergabung dengan Canvas Ranger, Joel memutuskan untuk berkeliling di kota. Ia merasa lapar dan segera mencari rumah makan terdekat. Namun karena keterbatasan kemampuan berbahasa Indonesia miliknya, Joel hanya bisa terpaku melihat menu dan tidak tahu bagaimana dan apa yang harus ia pesan di restoran Indonesia tersebut. Saat itulah ia bertemu dengan Yama. Yama yang melihat Joel kebingungan langsung mengerti keadaan bocah tersebut dan membantunya memesan makanan. Bahkan ia mentraktir Joel. Yama pun menjadi teman pertama Joel di Indonesia sekaligus orang yang membantu mengajarinya berbahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar.

After joining Canvas Ranger, Joel took a walk around the city. He felt hungry so he searched for the nearest restaurant around. Unfortunately, because of his low ability of using Indonesian language, Joel could only stared at the menu without knowing how to and what to order in the Indonesian restaurant. That's the moment he met Yama. Yama who saw Joel understood that the boy was confused and helped him to order the food. He even made it his treat. Then Yama became Joel's first friend in Indonesia whom also helped to teach him a right way to speak Indonesian.

2. :iconsalsamauduren: Indari salsamauduren.deviantart.com/a…
Suatu sore Joel melihat Indari sedang dikepung oleh sejumlah pelajar SMA. Melihat hal tersebut ia reflek menghampiri Indari dan bermaksud melindungi wanita tersebut. Ternyata Indari lebih kuat dari yang ia kira. Joel bahkan belum sempat menyerang satu pun pelajar yang mengepung Indari namun Indari sudah menghabisinya dalam hitungan menit. Joel hanya bisa terpaku. Indari yang melihat maksud Joel melindungi dirinya, langsung tersenyum dan berterima kasih dengan nada bijaksana. Indari juga mengelus kepala Joel tanpa mengetahui bahwa hal tersebut adalah kelemahannya. Joel berakhir kaku di sekujur tubuhnya dan tidak tahu harus berbuat apa. Indari pun menjadi teman wanita pertama Joel di Indonesia dan juga wanita pertama yang lebih tua yang pernah mengelus kepalanya.

One day Joel saw Indari cornered by many high schoolers. Seeing that made him ran to that women in order to protect her. It turned out that Indari was stronger than he thought. Joel hasn't even attacked any of the boys but Indari has finished them in a couple of minutes. Joel stunned. Indari who saw Joel's kindness in protecting her, smiled and thanked him with wise words. Indari then patted Joel's head without knowing that it was his weakness. Joel ended up stunned and didn't know how to respond to that situation. Then Indari became his first girl friend in Indonesia who also the first older women who ever patted his head.

3. :iconpiyuka: Runa fav.me/d531xc9
Teman sparing Joel karena kebetulan senjata yang biasa mereka gunakan serupa (senjata api). Runa suka menepuk kepala Joel setiap mereka selesai sparing. Walaupun sudah sering diperlakukan seperti itu, Joel tetap belum bisa terbiasa dan terus menunjukkan reaksi andalannya, membatu.

Joel's sparing partner because they both use guns. Runa likes to pat Joel's head everytime they finished their sparing. Even though she does that frequently, Joel still can't get used to it and keep showing his 'usual reaction', stunned.

4. :iconkvcl: Miel fav.me/d4ldipt
Joel tidak sengaja menjatuhkan sapu tangan miliknya saat pulang dari kerja part-time. Untungnya, Miel menemukan sapu tangan tersebut dan segera mengembalikannya pada Joel yang sedang panik mencari kesana kemari. Saat mengembalikan sapu tangan tersebut, Miel mengusap kepala Joel dan Joel kembali menunjukkan reaksi andalannya. Setelah kembali ke keadaan normal, Joel segera berterima kasih dan mentraktir Miel makan malam menggunakan gaji pertamanya. Sejak saat itu pun mereka berteman.

Joel accidentally dropped his handkerchief when he was walking home from his part-time work. Luckily, Miel found it and gave it back to Joel who was panicked, searching for it everywhere. When she gave it back to Joel, Miel patted Joel's head which made him showed his 'usual reaction'. After Joel got back to his normal state, he thanked and gave Miel a treat for dinner using his first salary. Since then they become friends.

yang villain dicari yang villain~

Ayo silahkan Joelnya diajak temenan :icondeyedplz:
Dicari yang buka kerja part-time buat anak di bawah umur #bricked
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What if I open a commission? by ellenic, journal


short life updates + birthday greetings by ellenic, journal

CLAC: Matthew Millers Relations (OPEN) by ellenic, journal

Canvas Ranger: Joel Fechner Relations (OPEN) by ellenic, journal